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Residential Proxies:
$0.50 per GB

No compromises. Just pure performance at an unbeatable price.


  • Bandwidth rolls over until cancellation

  • Advanced targeting options

  • 24/7 Technical Support

$0.5per extra GB

Get 10 GB for 5 days to test our service

Claim my $5 trial

Trusted by 10,000+ developers for speed and scale.

Our Massive Proxy Network

10 million+

Unique IPs for global coverage

Fast access and high network speeds

speed chart

Reliable network, stable connection guaranteed

99,9%Success rate


Countries covered


Why Choose Geonode?

10,000+ developers trust Geonode because we keep things simple and powerful.

Unmatched pricing

$50/month gets you 100GB with every GB after at just $0.50. No hidden fees, no gimmicks—just the best rate in the industry.

Data that stays yours

Unused GBs roll over as long as you`re with us. You keep every GB you paid for.

Reliable speed at scale

10M+ IPs, 99.9% success rate, 50ms latency. Count on proxies that just work.

Dev-Centered Support

24/7 technical support and advanced targeting options mean we`re ready to help you every step of the way.

What our users say

Our customers rate us as `Excellent` on Trustpilot.


Geonode offers flexible billing with monthly subscriptions or pay-as-you-go plans. Our transparent billing process includes multiple payment methods, with automatic monthly renewals for uninterrupted service.

To request a refund or switch to a different plan, please contact our support team. Ensure that your current plan has not been used if you're seeking a refund. Our team will review your request and process the refund according to our policy. If you wish to switch plans, customer support will assist in making the switch, with pricing adjustments made as necessary, including any prorated charges or credits.

Yes, we offer customizable invoices. Add your company details or VAT number by contacting our customer support, ensuring your invoices meet your requirements.

The Geonode Guarantee

We`ll match any competitor`s price, no questions asked.

Ethically sourced IPs with a network you can trust.

No more overpaying, no hidden surprises.

Experience 10GB of Residential Proxies for 5 days

Monthly plans starting at $50

Claim my $5 trial