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Dedicated datacenter proxies

Top-tier dedicated datacenter proxies with high performance, reliability, fresh IPs, stable 24-hour sessions, and unlimited traffic. Ideal for crucial data scraping tasks.

Starts from

1 Day Trial for $6
dedicated datacenter proxies

Why dedicated datacenter proxies

Ethically sourced and powerfully delivered: Our commitment goes beyond technology, integrating seamlessly with ZenShield and

Dedicated datacenter IPs

Don’t worry of other users of blocking targets. We make sure that only you will be using these IPs for a set amount of time.

Static sessions up to 24 hours

We keep the same session per IP for up to 24 hours. Meaning your IP will stay the same for as long as possible.

Unlimited traffic

Pay once per month and get access to unlimited datacenter traffic. Upgrade only if you want to receive more IPs.

Reviews from customers

Our customers rate us as “Excellent” on Trustpilot

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions we get.

Get Started Today

Wholesale Program – get
10TB for $5k